
Safety First: Background Check

These checks are a great way to build trust and show reliability for both helpers and families.

Fast & Affordable: Verify caregivers in our app (starts at $22)! Hire with Confidence: Peace of mind for families & trust for caregivers. Easy in App: Download, find your match, run a check - done! Always Recommended: Do a check before every hire or trial. 📣 Continuous monitoring available at $6 per month (separate purchase here).

Choose between three levels of criminal background checks. Generally processed between 1–5 business days.

Background checks includes the following:

  1. SSN trace
  2. ID verification
  3. Address history
  4. Device fingerprinting
  5. Sex Offender Registry
  6. Global Watchlist / OFAC
  7. National Criminal Database
  8. Driving Records
  9. Last County Criminal Database
  10. 7-year County Criminal Search


Confirms that the person is clear on 1-7*



Confirms that the person is clear on 1-8, driving record included



Confirms that the person is clear on 1-10, county level search included

Documentation required: US ID/Passport and SSN

* The national criminal database may not disclose records that can be found on a county level. For a more comprehensive check, a premium background check is recommended.

Who should get a background check?
What are background checks and why are they important?
I have a previous background check result, is that applicable?
I don’t have any background check results yet, what should I do?
How do I get a background check on the app?
What happens during a background check?
Do background checks cover everything?
📙 Soft credit check $20 Quick check on consumer credit reports. No credit score hit Learn more Get verified