Other ways

Virtual assistance for your business

Here is what they can do

  1. Administrative Support:
    • Email management: Sorting, responding, and organizing your inbox.
    • Calendar management: Scheduling appointments, meetings, and events.
    • Data entry and record keeping.
    • Travel arrangements: Booking flights, hotels, and transportation.
    • Document preparation: Creating and formatting reports, presentations, and spreadsheets.
  2. Customer Support:
    • Responding to customer inquiries and resolving issues.
    • Managing customer databases and CRM systems.
    • Handling customer feedback and reviews on social media and review platforms.
  3. Social Media Management:
    • Creating and scheduling social media posts.
    • Engaging with followers and responding to comments/messages.
    • Monitoring social media trends and reporting insights.
  4. Content Creation and Marketing:
    • Writing and editing blog posts, articles, and marketing materials.
    • Conducting keyword research for SEO optimization.
    • Managing content calendars and publishing schedules.
  5. Bookkeeping and Finance:
    • Invoicing clients and tracking payments.
    • Expense tracking and financial reporting.
    • Managing payroll and tax preparations.
  6. Research and Market Analysis:
    • Conducting market research and competitor analysis.
    • Gathering data and statistics for business decision-making.
    • Identifying trends and opportunities in your industry.
  7. E-commerce Support:
    • Managing online stores, including product listings and inventory.
    • Processing orders and customer returns.
    • Monitoring and optimizing e-commerce platforms for performance.
  8. Email Marketing:
    • Creating and sending newsletters and promotional emails.
    • Managing subscriber lists and segmentation.
    • Analyzing email campaign performance.
  9. Project Management:
    • Setting up project management tools and tracking project progress.
    • Coordinating tasks, deadlines, and team communication.
    • Creating project reports and status updates.
  10. Virtual Meeting Support:
    • Scheduling and coordinating virtual meetings and webinars.
    • Providing technical assistance during online meetings.
  11. HR and Recruitment Assistance:
    • Posting job listings and managing applicant tracking systems.
    • Scheduling interviews and onboarding processes.
    • Managing employee records and documentation.
  12. Website Maintenance:
    • Updating website content and plugins.
    • Monitoring website performance and security.
    • Performing regular backups and updates.
  13. Translation and Language Support:
    • Providing translation services for international clients.
    • Assisting with multilingual customer support.





  • Part-time
  • Dedicated Assistant
  • Unlimited Work
  • Entirely Managed
  • Customer Success Manager
  • Works Anywhere
  • Text, Email & Slack



  • Full-time
  • Dedicated Assistant
  • Unlimited Work
  • Entirely Managed
  • Customer Success Manager
  • Works Anywhere
  • Text, Email & Slack



  • Full-time
  • 2 Dedicated Assistants
  • Unlimited Work
  • Entirely Managed
  • Customer Success Manager
  • Works Anywhere
  • Text, Email & Slack