
ID verification

Verifying your ID is an easy and simple way to increase your trustworthiness. A verified ID provides assurance that you are a real person and your genuineness to create a connection.

ID checks are different from background checks as it does not search criminal records, sex offender registries, and terrorist watchlist.

We require our users to run a free ID verification before chatting further to protect our users’ privacy and safety.

Who can verify their ID?

For safety and security purposes, we require all members (families and helpers) of  AyiConnect to do an ID verification.

Only you can verify your ID as it requires a live selfie photo capture. This helps with matching your face to your ID photo, to ensure you’re a real person

Is there any payment for this process?

None. 0 cost. We don’t believe we should charge our users to validate whether they are real.

How’s the process?
  1. Before proceeding to chatting or viewing users’ contact information, we require an ID verification.
  2. The user needs to access the email and click on the “Get Started” button to start the verification.
  3. The account holder will be prompted to take a photo of their ID first and their selfie.
How do I know if I was successfully verified?

After submitting the photos, you will receive a notification immediately if you are successfully verified.

What happens if ID verification is not successful?

If you receive an email that your ID is unverified, please try again by clicking on the “Get Started” button on your email.

Tip: Make sure that your ID is clear. Remove any unnecessary marks if there are any. Go to a well-lit area to make sure your ID and face are clear upon picture taking.

If you experience any difficulties submitting your photos, please send us a message to success@ayiconnect.com.